Friday, December 23, 2011

How abouts should i relate(in itself) with family members the "normal" way?

It is a little hard to answer this since you are using mostly adjectives and adverbs rather than actual nouns, but I think we get the idea. But it sounds like your dad was emotionally distant, which is not uncommon. Most men have been raised to not show emotion anyway and if their childhood was rough or bad, it can make it really hard for them to express themselves emotionally. I am sure that, compared to that, everyone else seems really emotional. But if people are wanting too much interaction, you can just tell them you "need more space" emotionally or you can just spend less time around them - maybe call them once a week even if they leave you 18 voice messages in a week. They should get the idea that you do not need their drama constantly in your life and they should chill out a little. But stay in touch - call at a regular time on a regular night and they will know they can talk to you then. If you are still living at home, you can stay at the library more to avoid being around the drama all the time. But try to be nice and when you do call or stop by, be ready to just listen to whatever is happening in their lives right then and let them say their piece, that is usually all they want and need to do. Men often feel they are being expected to solve the problem someone presents, but usually the person just wants to present the problem and feel that you understand their frustration - you do not need to tell them how to solve it. Just listen and it will be helpful to them,


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